(I can’t get no)

My theory is, the same way my body craves proteins and vitamins when they’re lacking, I get cravings when there is an emotional or intellectual deficiency of some kind. I go through phases of fixation on one particular element of my life.

Material cravings have me browsing online and mail order catalogs like it’s my job.  Next, I’ll spend every free moment working out or planning a workout, my refrigerator is stocked with fresh, lean organics, and I get my hair cut and revamp my skincare regime.  Then I’ll read three books in two weeks and entertain the notion of going back to school for an advanced degree.  And when that passes, I sprout social butterfly wings and make a point to catch up with everyone I know before retreating into a domestic phase.  That usually involves a comprehensive scrub-down of the entire apartment and the rearrangement of furniture and decorative accessories.

Sometimes it leads to attempts at creating decorative accessories myself.  That’s a warning sign for a creative spell.  The creativity cravings are the most difficult to satisfy.  It’s like craving something, but not knowing what it is.  Because what I want, what I crave, is somewhere within me, unseen, and if it gets stuck, simply wanting it to emerge isn’t enough to make it happen.  Sometimes I feel just desperate to conceive something of words or colors and when I can’t draw it out, it’s like I’m imploding and exploding at the same time.

What’s unsettling is, lately, I haven’t craved much of anything.  It’s like I’m caught in the trough of a wave, just riding it out.  It’s odd, though, this absence of want.  It’s like a deficiency of deficiencies, but that doesn’t mean I’m thoroughly satisfied.

{P.S. What are you non-gastronomical cravings? Material? Physical? Intellectual?  Social? Domestic? Creative? Or otherwise?}

5 comments on “(I can’t get no)

  1. i crave balance right now. i feel sorta “teeter-tottery”. Like I’m up and I’m down. I crave my house to be clean and shiny. I crave this amazing PB Entertainment center that is WAYYYYY too much money, but PERFECT in every form. I crave some new shampoo & conditioner to make my coarse hair shiny and beautiful like MH’s.

    And that’s about it for now.


    Have a good week, darlin.

  2. ps: i absolutely LOVE your new header. it’s so adorable, and SO YOU!

  3. I’m glad you like it, because I nearly made myself sick with all the hair tossing!

  4. hey emily,

    enjoyed this post.

    i crave:
    sunshine, free time, chocolate, cheese, red wine, & love.


  5. Thanks! This comment made my day.

    You have an almost-poem of cravings. It’s inspiring cravings of my own. Chocolaaaate.

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