chilean coast, you’re mine

finally, finally called outward bound this morning and registered for chile!

my dad and i headed out for my great uncle lloyd’s funeral down in new j this afternoon. i didn’t actually know my great uncle lloyd, but i wanted to drive down and spend some time with my dad. good thing i love him so much, b/c when we got to the church at 4:00, we discovered that the services are next friday. oops. so, we drove over to wyckoff, where my dad grew up, and stopped in front of his very first house, which is still red, just like it was back in the sixties.

then we drove over to his other house, which i vaguely remember b/c my grandfather lived there when i was a kid and it has a pool. it was the scene of the great mini marshmallow fiasco of the 20th century, when i threw a fit b/c, even though my mom would have fed me all the mini marshmallows in the world, she would not let me carry the entire bag around in the basket of my new cabbage patch kids tricycle. and i would settle for nothing less than all the marshmallows, all at once.

we also stopped to visit my grandparents’ headstone at the cemetery, which required some hunting b/c neither of us remembered where it stood. we bought white bread and sugar cookies at the wyckoff bakery, and headed home as the sun set.

lisa loeb and her boyfriend dweezil zappa premiered their show on the food network tonight! no, it wasn’t a dazzling display of culinary insight or talent, but who am i to judge? lisa narrates the show, and i find her speaking voice just as endearing as her singing voice. both artists are just sweet and adorable, and i think traveling the country, hitting hot spots and best-kept secrets and sampling as amateur food critics and as a couple is a cute concept.

quote of the day: “looking through my window at the big, blue sky, the lazy sun is shining, so i run outside” – lisa loeb